Everywhere you look, electricity is connected to something.
It may be the service line feeding your home or business, outlets feeding
devices, or switches that control the lighting. The electrical service panel (or breaker box as it often
called) is the most vital part of your electrical system.
The electrical
service panel is used to connect to the power lines from the utility company
and also delivers electrical current to all of the circuits. The electrical service panel is also your primary line of
defense against electrical problems in your home or business. Circuit breakers turn the power to your home and
business on and off to protect wiring from damage or fire when an electrical
short or overcurrent occurs.
If your home or business needs a service panel upgrade or more
power overall, use the services of a professional electrician like Rogoz
Electric to upgrade the power, including a new electrical service panel. Call
623-363-5648 for Licensed, experienced electrician services!